Source code for pontoon.ui

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function

# Windows / missing-readline compat
    import readline
except ImportError:

import socket
import yaml
import textwrap
from os.path import (isfile, expanduser,
                     basename, splitext, join)
from time import sleep
from sys import stdout

# Python 2.6 compatibility
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    OrderedDict = dict

# Python 2/3 compatibility
    user_input = raw_input
except NameError:
    user_input = input

# Borrowed from
[docs]def ordered_dump(data, stream=None, Dumper=yaml.Dumper, **kwds): class OrderedDumper(Dumper): pass def _dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, data.items()) OrderedDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, _dict_representer) return yaml.dump(data, stream, OrderedDumper, **kwds)
[docs]def ticker(): """A loading/waiting indicator. Sends a '.' to the screen, resets, and sleeps. """ stdout.write('.') stdout.flush() sleep(1)
[docs]def ask_yesno(question): """Present a string as a yes/no question on an interactive prompt""" question = "%s (y/n)" % question if user_input("%-15s: " % question).strip().lower() == 'y': return True return False
[docs]def ask(question): """Present a question with freeform input on an interactive prompt""" question += ':' response = user_input("%-15s " % question) return response
[docs]def valid_path(path): """Check whether a given string resolves to a path on the filesystem""" return isfile(expanduser(path))
[docs]def full_path(path): """Expand a ~/ prefixed path to a full path""" return join(expanduser(path))
[docs]def filename_from_path(path): """Get a filename from a given path""" return splitext(basename(expanduser(path)))[0]
[docs]def machine(): try: return socket.gethostname() except OSError: return "pontoon"
[docs]def mask(text, masker='*'): """Hide part of a string, If the input is small, hide the entire string. Otherwise, show only the last few characters. """ length = len(text) coverage = length / 100.0 * 20 if (coverage < 0.9): result = (masker * length) return result masked_length = int(length - coverage) result = "%s%s" % ((masker * masked_length), text[masked_length:]) return result
[docs]def format_droplet_info(machine): """Present Droplet information in a more human parseable format""" d = OrderedDict() d['id'] = d['size'] = machine.size_slug d['image'] = machine.image['slug'] d['region'] = machine.region['slug'] d['ip_address'] = machine.ip_address d['status'] = machine.status # Fields we want to remove / replace redacted = ['token', 'end_point', 'image', 'region', 'size', 'mock_data', 'mock_status', 'mocked'] details = machine.__dict__.copy() for k, v in machine.__dict__.items(): if k.startswith('_') or k in redacted: del details[k] for k, v in details.items(): d[k] = v return d
[docs]def format_event(action): """Present event information in a more human parseable format""" e = OrderedDict() e['id'] = e['type'] = action.type e['resource_type'] = action.resource_type e['started_at'] = action.started_at e['completed_at'] = action.completed_at redacted = ['token', 'end_point', 'region', 'mock_data', 'mock_status', 'mocked'] details = action.__dict__.copy() for k, v in action.__dict__.items(): if k.startswith('_') or k in redacted: del details[k] for k, v in details.items(): e[k] = v return e
[docs]def format_item(item): """Present any item in more human parseable format""" i = OrderedDict() i['id'] = i['name'] = redacted = ['token', 'end_point', 'mock_data', 'mock_status', 'mocked'] details = item.__dict__.copy() for k, v in item.__dict__.items(): if k.startswith('_') or k in redacted: del details[k] for k, v in details.items(): i[k] = v return i
[docs]def message(text): """Wrapper for the `print` function""" print(text) return text
[docs]def yaml_message(data): """ Formats output as ordered YAML """ message(ordered_dump(data, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper, default_flow_style=False))
[docs]def heading(text, boxwidth=60): """Create a 'heading' styled textbox""" return box(text, decor="-", decor_y="|", boxwidth=boxwidth)
[docs]def notify(text, boxwidth=60): """Create a 'notification' styled textbox""" return box(text, decor="*", boxwidth=boxwidth)
[docs]def warning(text, boxwidth=60): """Create a 'warning' styled textbox""" return box(text, decor="!", boxwidth=boxwidth)
[docs]def line(length=60, decor='-'): """Write a line""" print(decor * length)
[docs]def box(text, decor='*', decor_x=None, decor_y=None, boxwidth=60, borderwidth=2): """Create a formatted textbox for highlighting important information""" decor_x = decor_x if decor_x else decor decor_y = decor_y if decor_y else decor decor_x_width = len(decor_x) if len(decor_x) > 0 else 1 decor_y_width = len(decor_y) if len(decor_y) > 0 else 1 decor_x_multiplier = int(boxwidth / decor_x_width) decor_y_multiplier = decor_y_width * 2 textwidth = boxwidth - decor_y_multiplier - (borderwidth * 2) text = textwrap.wrap(text, textwidth) text = "\n".join([ "{decor_y}{text}{decor_y}".format( decor_y=decor_y, boxwidth - decor_y_multiplier)) for m in text]) border_x = (decor_x * decor_x_multiplier) border_space = "{decor_y}{spacer}{decor_y}".format( decor_y=decor_y, spacer=(" " * (boxwidth - decor_y_multiplier))) spacing = (' ' * boxwidth) text = "\n".join([ spacing, border_x, border_space, text, border_space, border_x, spacing]) print(text) return text