Command Reference ================= A complete list of commands and their options. Available on the command line by appending ``--help`` to the command. Configure --------- The ``configure`` command interactively configures pontoon. You're prompted for details and a configuration file is written to ``~/.pontoon``. Alternatively, you can manually place a config file at this location with this syntax: :: api_token: foo-bar-baz auth_key_name: Macbook.local image: ubuntu-15-10-x32 region: lon1 size: 512mb ssh_private_key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa ssh_public_key: ~/.ssh/ username: root .. program:: pontoon configure .. option:: pontoon configure Launch interactive configuration of pontoon. Droplets -------- .. program:: pontoon droplet list .. option:: pontoon droplet list [options] .. option:: --detail Show full Droplet info. :: $ pontoon droplet list --detail id: 3164444 size: 512mb image: ubuntu-14-04-x64 region: nyc3 ip_address: status: active kernel: id: 2233 name: Ubuntu 14.04 x64 vmlinuz-3.13.0-37-generic version: 3.13.0-37-generic ... | .. program:: pontoon droplet create .. option:: pontoon droplet create [options] .. option:: --size size Droplet RAM allocation. e.g., 512mb .. option:: --image image Droplet image. .. option:: --region region Droplet region. .. option:: --keys keys... List of registered keys to add to Droplet(s) .. option:: --user-data userdata String of user data to pass to Droplet. Include a file like: ``--user-data="$(cat file.yml)"`` .. option:: --private-networking Assign private address to Droplet (where available) .. option:: --disable-virtio Disable VirtIO. (not recommended) .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet ssh .. option:: pontoon droplet ssh [command] [options] .. option:: --user user Override configured username for SSH login. .. option:: --key path Override configured private key for SSH login. | .. program:: pontoon droplet rename .. option:: pontoon droplet rename [options] Rename a Droplet. Takes the current name as the first parameter, and the new name as the second. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet resize .. option:: pontoon droplet resize [options] Resize a Droplet. Takes Droplet name as first paramter, size as second. .. option:: --yes Don't prompt for confirmation. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet snapshot .. option:: pontoon droplet snapshot [options] Snapshot a Droplet. Takes Droplet name as first paramter, snapshot name as second. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet show .. option:: pontoon droplet show [options] Show detailed information about a particular Droplet. .. option:: --field field Extract and return a single field. Access nested items with dot syntax, e.g.: ``networks.v4.0.gateway`` | .. program:: pontoon droplet status .. option:: pontoon droplet status Return Droplet status. | .. program:: pontoon droplet destroy .. option:: pontoon droplet destroy Destroy a Droplet. | .. program:: pontoon droplet start .. option:: pontoon droplet start Start a Droplet. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet shutdown .. option:: pontoon droplet shutdown Shut down a Droplet. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet reboot .. option:: pontoon droplet reboot Reboot a Droplet (sending signal to OS). .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet restore .. option:: pontoon droplet restore Restore a Droplet from a snapshot. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet rebuild .. option:: pontoon droplet rebuild Rebuild a Droplet from a given image. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet powercycle .. option:: pontoon droplet powercycle Powercycle (hard restart) a Droplet. .. option:: --yes Don't prompt for confirmation. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet poweroff .. option:: pontoon droplet poweroff Power off (without signalling the OS) a Droplet. .. option:: --yes Don't prompt for confirmation. .. option:: --no-wait Don't wait for action to complete, return immediately. | .. program:: pontoon droplet passwordreset .. option:: pontoon droplet passwordreset Reset the root password on a Droplet. .. option:: --yes Don't prompt for confirmation. | .. program:: pontoon droplet backups .. option:: pontoon droplet backups Manage backups on a Droplet. .. option:: --enable Enable backups. .. option:: --disable Depracated by Digital Ocean for their v2 API release, later added back but still deprecated here for the moment. Events ------ These is an interface to Digital Ocean events. Events are usually only an implementation detail, and an interface is provided here only for completeness. .. program:: pontoon event show .. option:: pontoon event show Retrieve details for a particular event id. Images ------ Public base images made available by Digital Ocean. .. program:: pontoon image list .. option:: pontoon image list [options] Retrieve a list of public images. .. option:: --with-ids Include image IDs in tabular output. | .. program:: pontoon image oses .. option:: pontoon image oses Retrieve a list of Operating Systems for which there are base images. | .. program:: pontoon image show .. option:: pontoon image show Show details for a particular image, including regions where it is available. Regions ------- Regions available to launch Droplets. .. program:: pontoon region list .. option:: pontoon region list List regions in which Droplets can be launched. Sizes ------- Droplet sizes available. .. program:: pontoon size list .. option:: pontoon size list List sizes of Droplets which can be launched. Snapshots --------- Commands for interacting with snapshots. .. program:: pontoon snapshot list .. option:: pontoon snapshot list [options] List available snapshots. .. option:: --with-ids Include image IDs in tabular output. | .. program:: pontoon snapshot show .. option:: pontoon snapshot show Show snapshot details. | .. program:: pontoon snapshot destroy .. option:: pontoon snapshot destroy Destroy a snapshot. | .. program:: pontoon snapshot transfer .. option:: pontoon snapshot transfer Move a snapshot from one region to another. A list of regions can be retrieved with ``pontoon region list`` SSH Keys -------- Manage SSH keys in your account. .. program:: pontoon sshkey list .. option:: pontoon sshkey list List of SSH keys in account. | .. program:: pontoon sshkey add .. option:: pontoon sshkey add Register a *public* SSH key from the specified path to your account. | .. program:: pontoon sshkey show .. option:: pontoon sshkey show Retrieve a public key by name. | .. program:: pontoon sshkey replace .. option:: pontoon sshkey replace Replace an existing key name with a new *public* key. .. program:: pontoon sshkey destroy .. option:: pontoon sshkey destroy Remove a given key from Digital Ocean. Note: this doesn't remove the key from any existing Droplets, just removes it from the keys available to boot Droplets with.