Contributing ------------ Pull requests for bugs are always welcome! New functionality should generally be preceded by a discussion, though if you've written something that you needed and want to contribute back, a pull request is a fine way to start that discussion :) All of the code in pontoon is `PEP-8 `__ audited (using `pytest-pep8 `__), and there's a full suite of tests written for `py.test `__ (library code) and `Bats `__ (interface). Contributions should, therefore, include tests and pass a PEP-8 audit. Running the tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Running the tests locally requires the contents of ``requirements.txt`` as well as bats. :: $ pip install -r requirements.txt On OSX, bats can be installed with homebrew: :: $ brew install bats On Debian/Ubuntu, I've set up a PPA for easy installation of bats: :: $ add-apt-repository ppa:duggan/bats $ apt-get update $ apt-get install bats Tests can then be run from the root directory: :: $ py.test --pep8 --cov pontoon $ bats test/bats Debugging ~~~~~~~~~ Set the ``DEBUG`` environment variable (to anything) to enable debug output for pontoon. This will give a step through of most methods being executed during a command, like so: :: $ DEBUG=1 pontoon droplet destroy foobar 2013-11-09 18:37:06,187 [pontoon.configure:DEBUG] combined: (){} 2013-11-09 18:37:06,187 [pontoon.configure:DEBUG] read_config: (){} Destroying foobar and scrubbing data... 2013-11-09 18:37:06,204 [pontoon.droplet:DEBUG] destroy: (, 'foobar', False){} 2013-11-09 18:37:06,204 [pontoon.droplet:DEBUG] id_from_name: (, 'foobar'){} 2013-11-09 18:37:06,204 [pontoon.droplet:DEBUG] list: (,){} 2013-11-09 18:37:06,205 [pontoon.pontoon:DEBUG] render: (, 'droplets', '/droplets'){} 2013-11-09 18:37:06,205 [pontoon.pontoon:DEBUG] request: (, '/droplets'){'params': {}, 'method': 'GET'} 2013-11-09 18:37:07,498 [pontoon.pontoon:DEBUG] render: (, 'event_id', '/droplets/998/destroy'){'params': {'scrub_data': 1}} 2013-11-09 18:37:07,498 [pontoon.pontoon:DEBUG] request: (, '/droplets/998/destroy'){'params': {'scrub_data': 1}, 'method': 'GET'} A timestamp, followed by the module, debug level, the method called and the arguments to that method (positional as brackets, keywords as curlies). This functionality is implemented by the ``@debug`` decorator, the code for which can be seen at ``pontoon/``. Mocking ~~~~~~~ Set the ``MOCK`` environment variable (to anything) to return mock request data instead of querying Digital Ocean. This is implemented solely for end-to-end testing of the CLI, but you may find it useful in some other scenarios. Addendum -------- Windows support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pontoon's lack of Windows support is a bug, not a feature. If you need pontoon on Windows, the best way to help get it there is with a pull request.