CLI Usage


Set up your credentials and preferences:

$ pontoon configure

You’ll be prompted for your Digital Ocean API credentials (available here), and whether you want to use existing SSH credentials or for them to be generated (using OpenSSH).

The rest are preferences, and can be set at any time by running configure again, editing the ~/.pontoon config file (YAML format), or by specifying them with options on the command line.

Configuration File

Here’s an example of the options set in the configuration file:

api_token: foo-bar-baz
auth_key_name: Macbook.local
image: ubuntu-15-10-x32
region: lon1
size: 512mb
ssh_private_key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh_public_key: ~/.ssh/
username: root

Managing Droplets is probably what you’ll spend most of your time doing with pontoon.

You can get a full list of subcommands and options by running:

$ pontoon droplet --help

Basic Usage

Creating and destroying Droplets is very straight forward:

$ pontoon droplet create my-droplet
Creating Droplet my-droplet (512mb using ubuntu-15-10-x32 in lon1)...
$ pontoon droplet destroy my-droplet
Destroying ud1 and scrubbing data...

To SSH into your Droplet:

$ pontoon droplet ssh my-droplet
Welcome to Ubuntu 15.10 (GNU/Linux 4.2.0-27-generic i686)

* Documentation:
Last login: Sun Mar  6 10:41:17 2016 from

To get a list of your Droplets:

$ pontoon droplet list
my-droplet:    (512mb, ubuntu-15-10-x32, lon1,, active)

See the Command Reference for more.